What You Should Know About A Group Of People
He is pretty much always angry about something and wears blue eyes, but I guess that is just to make me think he is unhappy. No one else seems to care about what he is saying or doing. We have a lot of fun, but don't really have anything else to do.
Maybe one day he will become even more hateful, or maybe we will make some sort of pact that if he gets so angry for no reason at all we will change the slot machine in his hotel room. I am sure we could find another place for the money.
Now that I think about it, I wonder how much like me this person is. Is this like me? You might be seeing what happens when a group of people get too close together for their own good.
It is like a disease or sickness. It is like when there is someone right behind you in line to buy an expensive pair of shoes and they are complaining about the prices or how they can't afford the purchase. The person doesn't want to be like them and will end up turning around and telling them to go away.
Aliens have a way of reminding us of that. I always thought that aliens might be pretty intelligent, but apparently they lack a sense of humor. Who could blame them? I would assume they came here because they really wanted to come here and then found out they had to wait for the rest of us.
It appears that you can be stuck in an endless battle for survival. You think you are doing well but always somethingis wrong. The people that feel like they have the solution to our problems are never satisfied and the only people they ever seem to need, are those that look like them. Please consider all this.